The House of Yahweh
We recently communicated with a person that identified himself as a member of the House of Yahweh (HoY), a religious organization based in Abilene, Texas. They believe to be the one true faith, as instituted by the Creator Yahweh and set forth in the Bible, and now re-established in what they believe are the prophesied end times.
All scripture was given to us by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16) and therefore it is our holy duty to communicate our messages for the edification of the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12). And so we did to this member of the House of Yahweh!
The communication we received during almost a three weeks period was mostly in the form of one-liners. One such line read; Andy bottom line your God sucks! Another one read; Take your God worship somewhere else there is no sale of this crap here!!!!!!!! And also another one which read; Yes I do deny your phony savior. Most of the other one-liners were words of condemnation for the use of the word God and Jesus Christ. God has taught us not to believe every spirit, but to try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets have gone out into the world (1 John 4:1).
To be able to assist the member of the HoY, we gathered as much information as possible, so we could show him the areas he had erred. In our search on the Internet we came across an article detailing the background of Yisrayl Hawkins (formerly "Buffalo" Bill Hawkins), the founder of the HoY. We have posted a copy of the article to give you a better understanding of this worldly organization and many others like it throughout the world. It should be noted that the writer of the article does not discern what spirit Mr. Hawkins is of (Luke 9:55). He bases his conclusions strictly on the personal lifestyle and actions of Mr. Hawkins. We will speak about this later.
The Cult of the House of Yahweh
The Story of a Modern Apostate
William/Yisrayl Hawkins, Founder
Collected From News Reports With Comments
By Cohen G. Reckart
Mr. Hawkins, claims to be the descendant of a Jewish family that fled Europe because of persecution. He claims he has spent the last 40 years of his life researching and studying the Scriptures. He began ministering full time in the early 1980s with the establishment of The House of Yahweh.
A recently published book by Yisrayl Hawkins states that he "is a Jew whose family was severely persecuted and forced to flee from Europe to the United States. He was raised without synagogue, but was strictly taught by his Jewish parents, both of whom trace their lineage to the tribe of Levi."
When this passage was read to one of Hawkins' brothers, he sighed before saying, "Bill's my brother, but he ain't got both oars in the water, if you know what I mean. Our daddy was a Dutchman, our mother was three-quarters Cherokee, and we don't have a drop of Jewish blood in us."
In 1952 eighteen-year-old Bill Hawkins and a woman named Rosa Bell Boulding married in Muskogee, Oklahoma and soon relocated to Enid. A year later Rosa Bell moved out. Hawkins would later say that his wife had cheated on him, but relatives remember that it was he who had violated his marriage by breaking the seventh commandment. His doctrine on polygamy would arise out of a need for self justification for later acts of adultery and fornication. The new woman, a Native American named Darlene, moved in and bore him four children. Hawkins introduced Darlene to others as his wife and told his children that the reason there were no wedding pictures was because he and their mother had eloped. Many years later--after one of his children caught him in bed having sex with yet a third woman, his wife Darlene moved or was kicked out with her four children. Darlene later told her children that she and Hawkins were married in Mexico. Regardless of which account is true, Bill Hawkins had not yet divorced his first wife, Rosa Bell, and would not file against her until 1976, four years after his second wife(?) left him. When this was pointed out to Hawkins by a reporter, he is reported to have said: "Rosa Bell had actually divorced him long before this, in California." "That's what she told my dad in a phone call" Hawkins said. None of Hawkins' relatives ever remember hearing of such a conversation, and in any case, his own attorney could find no record of Rosa Bell's filing for divorce in any courthouse in either California or Oklahoma. By filing for divorce himself, Hawkins was legally acknowledging that he had been married to Rosa Bell throughout his marriage to Darlene, a clear cut case of being married to two women at the same time and tells us why he then adopted his Old Testament doctrine of polygamy. He could NEVER be a New Testament Deacon, Elder, or Bishop, since these prohibited sexual immorality and specifically polygamy (husband of one wife), but if he became an Old Testament Law-keeper, a Levite, and observed the ancient traditions of the Jews, he we are sure reasoned that he could have as many wives as he wanted and no one could condemn him or take away his claim to be a man of God.
As of December 2000, Yisrayl B. Hawkins remains the self-made leader of his Yahweh cult named "House of Yahweh" near Abilene, Texas. He was an Abilene policeman for nine years and known by other officers as Buffalo Bill Hawkins. He started his own Old Testament-based religious cult back around 1980 after spliting off of his brother's Church when they could not agree on the pronounciation of the tetragrammaton. He believes the name of Jesus is a pagan name that came from Zeus and has often said to call the name Jesus the "pig-god name" He believes the correct name of Jesus is "Yahshua" although he has never proved this name was ever used in over 1900 years of Church history and previous to that, over 1600 years of Jewish history. He believes that the whole world is obligated to observe and keep the 613 precepts of the Laws of Moses. He is an avowed Concision, a Law-keeper, and believes salvation is by works and human merits of the Law. His Statement of Doctrine reveals he believes that observing the Law brings salvation (escape of divine judgment), justification (perfection by law observance), and sanctification (holiness). Whatever his claims, he does not believe in superiority of the New Covenant over the Old, and subsequently denies the finished work of Calvary and salvation by grace through faith (Eph 2:8).
The House of Yahweh was first organized by William's older brother Jacob Hawkins. He never claimed to be Jewish, just an average American with a love for Israel. According to reports he went to Israel in 1967 and stayed seven years working on a kibbutz. While there, he heard of an archeological discovery of a 1st century building that had "House of Yahweh" (in Hebrew) over the entrance. He believed that this was the name of a Christian Church group specially selected in ancient times by God. He decided around 1974 to return to the US and to build a sanctuary in Odessa TX with that name.
His members worshiped Yahweh (Elohim) and Yahshua, two personalities deemed equally to be a separate God. They were Law-keepers and Sabbatarians; that is, they believe worship of Christ on Sunday was pagan and so held religious services on Saturday. As Law keepers they commenced to celebrate the three main Jewish festivals of Passover, Pentecost, and Feast of Tabernacles. Hawkins taught that Yahshua's shed blood cleanses believers from sin, but only if they also adhere to the 613 commandments of the Law. Both Hawkins brothers believe that if a person seeks as the Apostle Paul taught, to be justified without the deeds of the law (Romans 3:28), that these cannot have the cleansing of the shed blood of Jesus.
We are told that the cult styles itself after 12 disciples (12 Elders) with Hawkins being #13 or the representative of Christ. At one time they published a periodical entitled "The Prophetic Watchman." According to cult sources in the Hawkins group, they do not keep membership records, but reported (in 1980) congregations in the US, Israel, India, South Africa, West Africa, Burma, Australian and Belgium. In 1997 they claimed a mailing list of over 30,000 with over 2,500 members in America.
Following the death of Jacob, the group in Odessa became defunct and the one started in Abilene by his brother William rose to power.
William went to the court house and changed his name to Yisrayl Hawkins so he and his brother could seem to qualify as the two witnesses. We are not certain at this writing if the two brothers ever came to an agreement on pronunciation of the tetragrammaton. The brothers had disagreed strongly over the proper name for God and how it was to be pronounced. With Jacob dead from cancer, William or Yisrayl became the self-appointed prophet and High Priest of the House of Yahweh and surrounded himself with his chosen 12 elders. According to reports he also ordained more as male and female deacons. They celebrate the various Jewish feast days specified in Leviticus 23. They also celebrate two additional feasts: "Yahshua's Memorial" and "Last Great Day" (what ever that is). At these conclaves they boast attendance between 1,000-1500. Neighbors complain about the stampede through their neighborhood to the 40 acre site and of health hazards with house trailers with no septic tank connections. They reported at one time to reporters that they have seven congregations served by 35 ministers. In 1999 they had between 100-200 followers living at their headquarters compound in Abilene.
While Hawkins is a definite apostate, we do recognize he does have some good qualities. It is these that attract followers to him. He is very persuasive and lords over the ignorance of others with all sorts of illogical and twisted theology. He traps them by convincing them they are standing against paganism and the Catholic Church. Believing they should be holy and having been raised in law-keeping incubator churches (ones that teach only the ceremonial law was abolished), these are ripe for the picking. They are first led to observe the sabbath. Then they are led to observe dietary laws. Then they are led to observe all the law. Then they are led to believe Yawheh is the true discovered lost name of God taken from the tetragrammaton. Then they are led to recant the name of Jesus and receive another name, that of Yahshua. Then they call the name of Jesus the "pig-god name" or the "J-name." This is all done with the help of Hawkins own Bible where Yahweh is interpolated into the text as well as the name Yahshua. After this they believe polygamy is a Biblical right of all men.
According to news reports Hawkins has association with white-racist extreme anti-government groups. According to information provided by Hawkins, he was a follower and believer in Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God and followed his doctrine on law-keeping before starting his own cult group with his brother Jacob. Both William and Jacob claimed to be the two witnesses of John's Revelation. Jacob has died and it did not happen in Jerusalem or Israel as the prophecy speaks of the two witnesses. William remains as the leader of the cult. He changed his name from William to that of Yisrayl in an attempt to give himself some sort of name baptism into his brand of Pharisee Judaism. Claiming to be an expert in both the Paleo-Hebrew and Aramaic/Babylonian languages, Hawkins claims "Yahweh" is the correct pronunciation of the tetragrammaton YHWH or YHVH. He claims also that the name "Jesus" comes from the Greek god Zeus and the correct name of the Saviour is "Yahshua." With law-keeping as his doctrine of salvation, the two sacred names Yahweh and Yahshua, and his hatred for the name of Jesus, Hawkins claims he alone has the sacred calling to establish the House of Yahweh. All other Yahweh movements who have stolen from him his doctrine, he claims are false.
Hawkins requires also for salvation, the essentiality that each member pay to him three tithes of 10% each for a total of 30% of their income. It is believed he has collected millions of dollars from donations as well as thousands of dollars in food stamps he allegedly made members put into special offering envelops.
Members of the cult as well as ex-members, claim that Hawkins has made several prophecies that did not come to pass. The main one was his following Pentecostal prophet Irwin Baxter of the UPC who predicted that the Arafat/Israel peace treaty in 1993 was the beginning of the seven years of tribulation and Jesus would return no later than October 2000. When his prophecy failed and the seals, trumpets, and vials were not fulfilled and two thirds of the world was not destroyed, Hawkins began to yodle another prophecy. That of rebuilding the third temple before Jesus could return. So now he wants to help Jesus come back, and somewhat like Julian the Apostate he wants to try his hand at rebuilding the temple on Mount Moriah. Although he continues to change his doctrines and his prophecies, his followers look upon him as the "anointed one." Some ex-members believe that if Hawkins ask his followers to kill themselves they would do it out of devotion to him (Cool-Aid cowboy mentality of Jim Jones all over again).
Hawkins has preached in 1997 that the world will end in nuclear holocaust in October 2000. But in 1999, Shaul Hawkins, the founder's son, and an elder in the House of Yahweh cult, predicted the end of the world will be in the next three or four years. We assume he is speaking from his father's doctrine here because no elder is allowed to have a different view of prophecy that William Hawkins does not teach.
One of the earmarks of a cult group like that which Hawkin's heads, is that the followers will continue to believe in their leader although he may change his doctrine and teachings continually. Some Yahweh cults hate Jews and blacks and other races and claim the white anglo-saxon races descending from the tribes of Manassah and Ephraim are the true Israel (Armstrong's British-Israelism heresy). Other Yawheh cults accept black members because they are good tithe payers and devout to white leaders wanting themselves to some day be elevated to be one of Yahweh's Ministers or elders.
Yahweh cults are not all alike. There are trinitarian Yawheh cults, two-god Yahweh cults, and even Oneness Yahweh cults. When any cult says the name of the Father is Yahweh and the name of his Son is Yahshua, and elevates the name Yahweh above the name Yahshua, this groups believes in at least two gods regardless of what they might otherwise say in their statements of doctrine. In speaking to one of these cult leaders, he expressly stated that when the saved get to heaven they will see all three gods separate and distinct: a person will see the Father as Yahweh and they will also see the Son there as Yahshua. He would not tell me how we would see the Holy Ghost, whether in the form of a bird, a flame of fire, or as another angelic or human form.
The unsolved murder of a reported one-time Hawkins-Yahweh follower of four years ago in South Carolina still hangs over the cult group. David Richardson who has a wife and daughter under the control of Hawkin's, whom he has been trying to get out, claims that the Yawheh compound near Eula, Texas is surrounded by barb wire with cult members standing guard at the entrance with walkie-talkies looking like a Gestapo unit? Richardson claims that his wife Bonnie has changed her name to Biynyah Hawkins after the cult's leader. The news media claims that records at the Taylor County court house shows that since 1994 over 300 other cult members have changed their last names to Hawkins.
The House of Yawheh claims to have a mailing list of over 30,000 with membership nation wide of over 2,500. Many of these are also members of other Yahweh cult groups in Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Georgia. These "faithful" law-keeping members call themselves the "Sacred Name (SN)" and "Hebrew Roots Movement (HRM)." All of them teach a man must wear a beard, some believe it cannot be trimmed while others claim it can.
The daughter of Hawkins, Margo (Hawkins) Corneillie, claims her father treated she and her husband the same as that shown others who began to disagree with him, her story is more poignant. "I used to call him 'Dad,'" she said. That was before she noticed that her father's teachings began to change dramatically. When she and her husband started pointing out things they disagreed with, both were ex-communicated by form letter. "When you question it, you're labeled as a rebel," she said. She said originally her father's teachings were pure. But something happened and he grew paranoid, corrupt and power hungry, she said. "When Yisrayl started hungering for the power, the focus was taken off the Kingdom and placed on the man," Corneillie said. "His goal is to become a god."
One of the identifying marks of a cult is its connection to other know cults. Yahweh cults such as the Heaven's Gate group in California, the Israel Identity movement, David Koresh in Waco, and Jim Jones, shows us that there is more to these religious groups than just a religious difference of opinions. These groups place upon themselves the obligation to die for the names Yahweh and Yahshua. And when Law-keeping is added to the sacred name doctrine, the group, in following their cult leader's advice are willing and ready to die if anyone attempts to remove them from their new religion. This establishes the danger of the cult influence.
Newsweek magazine, in covering doomsday cults reported that among Hawkin's group in Abilene many hundreds have pierced their ears as a sign of being a slave or servant to Yahweh and Hawkins. This sign of loyalty can now be seen on many cult members."
For the nine years Buffalo Bill Hawkins led a steady if undistinguished career as an Abilene cop, and spiritually he was at a low ebb. Though he still took his family to church on Saturday mornings, Hawkins worked on religious holidays and spent his off-hours raising coonhounds, operating a mobile home park--which his wife was not even aware that he owned--and making homemade wine. When Darlene was due to have their last daughter, Officer Hawkins simply dropped her off at the hospital on the way to the station and told her to call when the baby was born. Often irritable, he frequently beat Darlene in the presence of his kinfolk. One of his daughters remembered how he reacted when she and her sister burned the potatoes one evening: "He threw them against the wall and made us go to our rooms. Then he came in with a wire hangar and whipped our legs till they bled. And then he pulled off his belt and whipped us some more."
After Darlene learned in 1972 that Hawkins had slept with another woman, it occurred to her that she had given her life and her money to a remorseless cad, so she and their children moved back to Oklahoma. Less than a year later Hawkins took up fornicating with a woman named Kay who lived in his trailer park, and together they had a bastard child out of wedlock. Kay was to later learn she said that Hawkins had a habit of plucking other women out and giving them favors denied to others, insinuating that he was fornicating with all of them. How many were the wives of other men at the compound or wives or men he had kicked out is unknown. How many were young girls we do not know. Eventually the whole story of Hawkins will be known and his House of Yahweh, like the pagan houses of Yahweh of ancient cultures will be demolished.
Kay Hawkins claims it was when her husband began preaching that a man could have many wives (polygamy), she says she smelled a rat and saw her husband as a fraud. This is interesting since some claim she is the harlot with whom Hawkins was fornicating when he was caught and Darlene left him. Kay's first child is proof of Hawkin's adultery and fornication. Kay also admits she helped doing much of her husband's research giving him ideas on scripture interpretation and writings for him, believing she was married to one of Yahweh's two holy messengers. "This man is not the man I thought I knew," she said. She said she even learned a few things about her former husband, chiefly that his family despises him. His late brother, Jacob, who led a House of Yahweh congregation in Odessa, allegedly wrote his sibling was "deliberately deceiving" followers. And the magazine quotes a brother-in-law calling Hawkins one of the world's biggest liars. "When 2000 comes and it's a bright and sunny day ... he'll change his story like he has before," she said. "In the Bible, the Messiah says, 'No man knows the day or hour, not the Son of Man, but my Father only.' He's put his foot in his mouth this time."
Then, speaking of rampant sexual immorality, Hawkins had the nerve to say the following:
"And as hard as it is to BELIEVE, an estimated 2,000 ISRAYLI women--who are HBV CARRIERS--give birth each year! Many of their infants will become HBV carriers themselves. The estimate for HBV carriers is even higher in other nations. Isn't it TIME we wake up to the FACT that we NEED to start PUBLISHING THE LAWS OF Yahweh TO ALL Nations? Isn't it TIME TO PROCLAIM these Laws of PREVENTION, in order to STEM the flow of death and suffering that the BREAKING OF THESE LAWS CAUSE? Isn't it TIME to bring these LAWS FORTH, making THEM the first line of defense against these diseases, rather than allowing LAWBREAKERS to teach IGNORANT PEOPLE to "USE CONDOMS"?
Child custody cases have mounted in connection to Hawkins and his Abilene compound.
Lynn Johnson can speak from personal experience. Her son, Mark, was married and the father of a 5-year-old girl when his wife came into contact with the House of Yahweh.
Mark and his family lived in the Jacksonville, Fla., suburb of Orange Park and were members of a Baptist church. A couple who were friends found the House of Yahweh on the Internet and became interested in its teachings, Lynn Johnson said.
Her son's wife was interested, too, and accompanied the couple to Abilene for one of the three annual feasts celebrated at the compound in Callahan County. "It was a surprise when all of a sudden she had a whole new Bible and way of life," Johnson said.
Eventually the oddity took a chilling turn. Johnson began researching and came across Hawkins' book, Reconsidering Yahweh's Laws on Slavery and Marriage Obligations.
She was stunned to learn what happens to women who go to the compound unattended by their husbands. "She had to be wife, slave, or concubine to a group member," Johnson said.
The Boston Jewish Times on April 10, 1997 reported that three men were in Israel to give advice on building the third temple with peaceful solutions. The three men are Yisrayl and Shaul Hawkins--both from Texas, and David Hawkins from Wisconsin. All three call themselves "Elders of the House of Yahweh," an organization they founded in 1982, which is based upon strict observance of all the laws of Noah. They claim to have 10,000 members today.
By claiming to observe the laws of Noah, Hawkins, his son, and his cohort were making themselves Gentile adherents to the Seven Laws of Noahach, a subset of Laws the Pharisees concocted to enforce upon Gentile converts. These laws of Noahach are called the Noahide laws and are first found in the Babylonian Talmud. Claiming 10,000 members, Hawkins was in fact claiming that the Talmudic Jews could count on this entire number of followers to be loyal to Israel in spite of the fact that he believed in Jesus as Yahshua and the Jews still considered Jesus a false Messiah with an illegitimate birth whose bastard blood could not save himself let alone others. Which is it, is Hawkins a real Jew or a Gentile Noahide non-Christian convert to Pharisee Judaism? All Talmudic practicing Jews I have ever met claim that a true Noahide who keeps the Seven Laws of Noahach, DO NOT CONFESS FAITH IN OR BELIEVE IN JESUS AS THE MESSIAH EVEN IF HIS NAME IS CHANGED TO YAHSHUA OR YESHUA. If Hawkins made the claim he was a NOAHIDE, then regardless if he uses the name Jesus or Yahshua he has recanted the person of the Messiah to receive favor from modern Pharisees. It is quite obvious that Hawkins and his rants that the world must have faith in Yahweh has long ago lost the message of the New Testament that teaches sole faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.
What is Hawkins up to now? He is on a campaign to stir up interest to rebuild the third temple. Since at least 1997 he has made several trips each year to Israel to talk to Jewish and Arab leaders. Hawkins masquerades as a Jew and claims his family name in Germany was Ha-Cohen but was changed to Hawkins to escape Nazi persecution.
In the photograph on the left (removed from this page), Hawkins put on the synagogue hat of the Pharisees and began interviews with Rabbis and other Jewish leaders. His "Peaceful Solution" to build the third temple was to place it due west of the present Golden Gate and north of the Dome of the Rock. His alleged Engineer David Mrotek is a white racist who was a member of the Yahweh group Posse Comitatus. They have created a mock model of the third temple and superimposed it upon the temple mount to show that the Dome of the Rock is not located on the actual temple mount and holy of holies area. Hawkins is hailed as a historian and claims to be an expert on the Hebrew language. When asked by one doubter to say "hot dog" in Hebrew Hawkins did not know how. We know two thing for certain, his claim the Yahweh is the name of God is bogus and false regardless if there are several resources Jewish and Gentile who support his theory. And second, we know his claim that the name Jesus is pagan and comes from Zeus is bogus and false.
Our deduction is that Hawkins is the founder of a cult. His followers are deceived and believe him to be a prophet and an anointed one in whom there is no error. The deception that binds them together is the names Yawheh and Yahshua and Law keeping. If these can be proved wrong to these otherwise perhaps good people, then maybe, just maybe, they can be delivered and set free from the bondage of this cult and the cult leader. As long as there are ignorant men and women who will not take a stand against the abuse and hate against the name of Jesus, cult groups like these will continue to brainwash good people and lead them into mental slavery and then perhaps as sex slaves to someone's adultery or fornication addiction.
It is interesting to note that the above article mentions that Mr. Hawkins was at one time a follower and believer of Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God. We invite you to read the article Tithing on this website and learn more about the Worldwide Church of God and the works of the Armstrongs.
I wrote earlier that the writer of the above article did not discern what spirit Yisrayl Hawkins was of (Luke 9:55; 1 Cor. 2:14,15). We already knew by our communication with one of his members and by reviewing their website that he served the spirit of this world and that he was a servant of sin (John 8:34).
On Friday, July, 23, 2010 we e-mailed Mr. Hawkins the message listed below, along with a copy of the above article. During our research on the House of Yahweh we discovered that the local paper, the Abilene Reporter News, had written extensively about the organization and for this reason we copied a number of key-contacts at the paper, along with the member that we had our communication with.
Subject: For the Record
Attn. Mr. Bill Hawkins
Please find attached a copy of an article that sums up your personal history and background. By reading your personal history, even most of the people of this world would recognize that you are a man that was born in sin and a servant thereof (John 8:34). As explained earlier to a member of your organization, you are separated from God and unless you repent and turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan (whose power you are under) unto God (Acts 26:18), you will remain spiritually blind. For a better understanding what it means to repent we invite you to read all of the pages and articles of the website
It would be impossible to list all of the religious organizations/cults that deceive the people of this world (Rev 12:9) on our website and therefore this e-mail is strictly to serve as confirmation that when Yahweh (God) makes His visitation and reveals what spirit you are of and what spirit you serve (Luke 9:55), that you were forewarned. We have copied key contacts at the local paper for this purpose. It will also serve as confirmation that your 'Yahweh God' is an image of a false god that misleads all the followers of the Yahweh Family.
When we contacted the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in the late eighties, to warn them of God's visitation to reveal their sin and the false foundation (darkness - Satan) it was built on, our message was met with derision but it was in the area where we hold our permanent residence that the first sex-scandals were reported two years later. One diocese had to sell four hundred properties last year, to be able to pay for all the law-suits and legal bills. You can read more testimonials in the article 'Influence of the Media' and on the Current Events page listed on our website. See Billy, God's messengers don't prophesy lies.
We are living at a time of judgment, according to God's judgment. Not with nuclear bombs as you have claimed, but He is showing mankind what spirit they are of and that they prefer darkness over light. He will also reveal and bring to an open shame all of the false prophets, including yourself and the House of Yahweh. Only false prophets like yourself continue to prophesy lies (Jeremiah 14:14; 23:25,26,32; Zech. 13:3).
You discern the Bible to suit and satisfy your own personal ideologies and obviously your personal desires also. Since you are separated from our Father, the only true and living God, you are unable to understand the scriptures as you are a natural man and subject to the spirit of this world (1 Cor. 2:14). When you read the Scriptures you consider yourself a servant of God but in truth you are a false prophet and a worker of iniquity. You are unable to understand the prophets or the apostles and when they speak of the wrath of God, servants of sin, the false prophets, workers of iniquity, false apostles and false Christs (Matthew 24:24), they speak of you and the House of Yahweh.
We invite you to read chapter 23 of the Book of Jeremiah to show you how God dealt with the false prophets that lived during Jeremiah's days. God's judgment works the same today. He was the same yesterday, today as He will be tomorrow. You have transformed yourself into a likeness of a prophet but this is falsehood and a lie. Please read 2 Cor. 11:13-15. Your end therefore shall be according to your works (Jeremiah 29:32; 2 Cor. 11:15; Philippians 3:19).
I have had communication with one of your members for the last two weeks, which has revealed and confirmed how your teachings and doctrines have nothing to do whatsoever with the true and living God. We know that there are only two spirits - darkness (Satan) and light (God) - and we are able to discern between both with God's righteous judgment (John 7:24; Romans 2:2,5). We judge with a clear vision like looking into a mirror (1 Cor. 2:15). We also know that the spirit of darkness is divided and works in all different ways through many different levels of deception.
We have ministered to the people of this world for twenty six years and the manner your members have been deceived (mentally conditioned or brain-washed), we would categorize as being similar to what this world refers to as cult-like and similar to those of the Charles Manson Family, the David Koresh Family and the Peoples Temple led by Jim Jones.
We know how this e-mail will be received with much derision, however, if you have any questions at any time, concerning the ways of the true and living God (you may call Him Yahweh, if you like), we look forward to hearing from you for this purpose. We will not reply to any self-justification that would be fruitless, as our communication with one of your members has already proven.
In His Service.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg (
The following day on Saturday, July 24, 2010 we decided to write the Editor of the local paper and explain why we had copied a number of people at the paper.
In our communication to Mr. Barton Cromeens, the Editor, we referred to the different cults, i.e. Charles Manson, David Koresh and Jim Jones. The earlier article about Yisrayl Hawkins also mentions other Yahweh cults but when we wrote Mr. Cromeens we had not read through the whole article and only learned about those references after we had written Mr. Cromeens. Our observation and comparing the House of Yahweh to the familiar spirits and activities of Charles Manson, David Koresh and Jim Jones, was strictly based on spiritual wisdom and knowledge.
A copy of our e-mail was forwarded to one of their reporters, The Houston Chronicle and a reporter of The Associated Press.
Subject: The Truth
Dear Sir,
Prior to yesterday's e-mail you probably never heard of us and the information we forwarded to Billy/Yisrayl Hawkins was probably difficult to understand, as mankind is unable to understand the things that are of the Spirit of God as they are spiritually discerned (1 Cor. 2:14,15).
We received our High Calling in 1984 and have been ministering the Gospel of Christ to the people of this world for twenty six years. Most of our work is explained on our website which was launched in 2005, after we had published our book 'A World Deceived' earlier that year. The website has received the number one listing on Google under the entry 'world deceived' for the last four years. Visits to the website have seen a monthly increase of 10% this year and it is interesting to note that the Republic of Russia has surpassed the USA as the second country with the most visits to the website behind Canada.
The Gospel we preach is not after man(kind), for I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ (Gal. 1:11,12). It is our hope that you will take the opportunity to review and study the pages and articles on our website and by doing so you will quickly note that the things we speak of are not what you have been accustomed to. The Word of God (the Bible) is God and is true in all things but mankind is unable to understand it as a result of its continuous separation from God. The Bible is true in all matters and when it speaks in Revelation 12:9 how this whole world has been deceived, it is the true word. We merely have been called to explain how and by whom mankind has been deceived.
Now we know that mankind prefers darkness over light (John 3:19) and prefers to believe in a lie and an image of a false God and a false Christ. After receiving condemning messages from a member of the Yahweh Family for two weeks, we eventually reached out to the leader of this organization of which you received a copy. You probably ask yourself why we would forward a copy of our communication to the local paper. Let us explain.
Throughout the history of mankind God has sent people out into the world in order to show mankind about the existence of 'God' but to no avail. All those that have gone before us testified to government/political and religious leaders how they were following an image of a false god and they preached the same message of repentance that is preached to you today. God always eventually manifested Himself to show mankind that the message that had been communicated had been the truth, even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive (John 14:17).
We invite you to read the article 'Influence of the Media' listed on our website, in which we explain our relationship with the local media, who by now are totally confounded, as the things we continue to speak of have proven to be true. The media has been the Voice of the People for the last hundred years and most of the print media is a compilation of opinions expressed by individuals but not the truth according to God's word.
The testimonials of the number of times that God has manifested Himself to show that our message had been the truth are too numerous to mention. We will use one example.
When we contacted Jimmy Swaggert to inform him that God would visit his sin, God did manifest Himself. When he continued to preach, we did warn him again and once again God manifested Himself. Now if we had not contacted the media there would be no proof to show that Jimmy Swaggert's downfall was God's doing. But now they have no excuse. The story of the downfall of the Catholic Church is very similar as we first reached out to their hierarchy and the media in the late nineteen eighties. You can read more about this in the article 'Sexual Abuse in the Churches' on our website.
Even this morning we read about the conservative Panorama newsweekly, that said in a cover story and accompanying video that it had interviewed three gay priests in Rome, and accompanied them to gay clubs and bars and to sexual encounters with strangers, including one in a church building. One of the priests, a Frenchman identified only as Paul, celebrated mass in the morning, before driving the two escorts he had hired, to attend a party the night before to the airport.
Unfortunately, more than a billion people are still following this worldly institution as they are not aware of the principalities and powers that keep them in bondage (Eph. 5:12). The article in mention was written by a reporter of the Associated Press and even though we have copied the reporter on several occasions, she continues to write about the finer details of improper sexual behavior by members of the clergy, while she refuses to expound on the real (spiritual) problems.
We know that the 'House of Yahweh' will eventually collapse as it is built on the wrong foundation and not after Christ. It will come down faster than it took them to build, and if we had not copied the local paper it would mean very little, but when the day of God's visitation comes, the people of this world will know that our message was the truth and that the media is equally guilty for not reporting the truth.
I have forwarded a copy of this e-mail to the reporter of the Associated Press. Also, a reporter of your paper, who claims to be a specialist on Spirituality but who has no knowledge of the things he writes about. We have also included a reporter of the Houston Chronicle, who has been a regular recipient of our communications for the last year, but who seems to prefer to follow after and write about those that preach a false Christ (Matthew 24:24).
We have more than five hundred individuals of the Print and Electronic Media in Canada and the USA on our mailing list. This includes CNN, Fox, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, CBC, CTV, ATV, etc., etc. and they will all be confounded as many of them already have.
Yes, we did write Mel Gibson on August 21, 2005 and we all know what has become of him. We have also had extensive communication with Glenn Beck. You can follow some of our communications with Glenn Beck under the listing of articles on our website. I read recently that he explained to an audience in Salt Lake City that he suffers from Macular Dystrophy and that he could go blind. God works in strange ways but His judgment is true. Glenn will see this for himself, since he did not believe in our message of repentance but rather takes pleasure in following after an image of a false god.
Our work the last six months has seen a lot of focus on activities in the State of Texas. It is our view that the State of Texas has more false preachers and ministers than any other state in your country. Most of them, we would refer to as preachers of a 'Prosperity Gospel', that has nothing to do with the Gospel of Christ. We are living at a time of judgment that God will show mankind that they follow after an image of a false god. He will also bring all the false preachers and ministers to an open shame.
Most people will tell you that we are living in changing times, especially in the area of world economics. We know that God is slowly but surely removing the breadbasket from the nations of this world, as an economic collapse is inevitable and people will slowly understand that all those that preached prosperity (i.e. Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, John Hagee, etc.), were false preachers and workers of iniquity. There will be one significant difference from the coming economic collapse, which will affect the whole world. There will be no recovery from the coming changes and man's attempt to seek a resolve will be futile. People will eventually curse all the false preachers and those that work iniquity and they will all be rewarded according to their works and will surely vanish. Unfortunately when that day comes, people will still not believe our message of repentance, in fact if one rose from the dead they would not believe us (Luke 16:31).
We suggest you run a hard-copy of this e-mail and reflect from time to time on the things we spoke of, as the times we speak of are already here. You just have not been able to see it. We do not consider ourselves to be dooms-day preachers but rather of hope by preaching the Kingdom of God.
Eventually we will post a copy of this communication on our website, along with a copy of our letter to Billy/Yisrayl Hawkins and a copy of the article that was attached to his e-mail. Eventually it will become another manifestation from God to show the people of this world that we were sent as God's messengers with His message of repentance. We invite you to study the article Repent listed on our website and what it means. We welcome any questions you may have.
In His Service.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg (
As expected, we received another e-mail from the member of the House of Yahweh that we had our communication with. We had already informed him that it was time for us to shake to dust of our feet (Matthew 10:14) but wrote him again, since he had been so blinded by our earlier message of repentance and this time we used plain language. I believe our message of July 25, 2010 was our last message.
Subject: Money & Sex
As a result of your spiritual blindness you obviously still have not been able to determine what the real objectives are of Billy Hawkins. We have been trying to explain things to you in a spiritual way but since you still cannot hear us, we will be even more direct with our explanation.
It is all about money and sex. How many false preachers are there that use money as their primary goal and objective? If you are giving 30% of your income to that snake (remember the serpent in Genesis 3), what do you get in return? With the body (flesh) we serve the law of sin (Romans 7:25) and he that committeth sin is of the devil (1 John 3:8). This is what we have been trying to tell you from the beginning.
Like thousands of similar organizations and cults throughout the world, the House of Yahweh will come to a sad ending, as a result of the sin from within. Even 613 Laws of Peace will not be able to save you.
Please read the articles Tithing, Who is God and who is Satan? and False Apostles and False Christs listed on our website.
In His Service.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg (
Message to the readers of this article.
As we have declared before: The sons of God have come for the pulling down of strongholds, religion being the strongest of them all (2 Cor. 10:4; Matthew 10:26-28). This includes the House of Yahweh and similar religious organizations and cults throughout the world.
The Bible often uses the word 'Tree' as a parable symbol to describe a person. You will recognize the symbol as part of the headers on our web pages and in our book A World Deceived, to depict the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Matthew 7:15-20. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do man gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
If you are in bondage to any worldly religious organization, we can only leave you with the following spiritual message and advice everyone to study our message of repentance, as it was preached by Christ and the apostles and all those that have gone before us.
2 Cor. 6:14-18. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.