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Will there be a Cure for Mental Health?

Recently the Canadian Federal Government announced $69 million for indigenous mental health services.

The first question we would like to raise is: Why single out the indigenous community? What about the other Mental Health patients throughout Canada? Not a day goes by that we do not hear or read about Mental Health and the growing need for Mental Health workers.

Since Leo Glavine, the Minister of Health in Nova Scotia announced that they were forming a Mental Health Panel, headed by Stan Kutcher, Professor of Psychiatry at the Dalhousie University, we decided to write Starr Dobson, the President of the Mental Health Foundation in Nova Scotia to give her a better understanding of the true cause of Mental Health.

We believe that the issue of Mental Health is best expressed in our communication to Starr Dobson and the following is a copy of our communication.

From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 9:40 AM
To: Starr Dobson

  • Mental Health Foundation: Members of the Staff
  • Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister and several ministers, Scott Brison, Scott Armstrong and Mark Eyking.
  • Dalhousie University: Richard Florizone, President, Stan Kutcher, Professor and his Associates.
  • Federal Department of Health: Jane Philpott, Federal Minister of Health.
  • Provincial Department of Health: Minister of Health, Deputy Minister and Staff Members.
  • Nova Scotia Health Authority: Janet Knox, President and CEO and members of her staff.
  • CBC: Key staff members.
  • Global News: Key staff members.
  • IWK Health Centre (Hospital for Sick Children): Tracy Kitch, President & CEO.
  • Government of Nova Scotia; Stephen McNeil, Premier, Bernie Miller, Deputy Ministers, members of the Opposition, Ministers, the Auditor General and Michelle Perry, Director of Communications.
  • Freelance Journalists and Writers.
  • The Chronicle Herald: Sarah Dennis, Publisher, Mark Lever, President and reporters.
  • Cape Breton Post: Nancy Johnson, Publisher, Scott MacQuarrie, Director, Sales and Marketing and members of their staff.
  • Engage Nova Scotia & oneNS Coalition: Danny Graham, Chief Engagement Officer and members of his staff.
  • Acadia University: Ray Ivany, President and Vice-Chancellor.
  • Halifax Chamber of Commerce: Valerie Payne, former President.
  • Michael J. Savage: Mayor of Halifax.
  • Cecil P. Clarke: Mayor of Cape Breton Municipality and members of his staff.
  • Port of Sydney Development Corporation: Marlene Usher, CEO.
  • Nova Scotia Business Inc.: Laurel C. Broten, President & CEO and members of her staff.
  • Greater Halifax Partnership: Ron Hanlon, President and Ruth Cunningham, VP.
  • Cape Breton Christian Fellowship church: Kevin Mattatall, Pastor, Bruce DeYoung, Pastor and Mark Tobin, Pastor.
  • Cox & Palmer - Halifax: Kevin Latimer, Managing Partner and Rob Everist, COO.
  • Emera: Chris Huskilson: President & CEO.
  • Clearwater Seafoods; John Risley, CEO.
  • Industry Canada: John Knubley, Deputy Minister.
  • Startup Empire: Jevon MacDonald.
  • Build Ventures: Patrick Keefe.
  • Roman Catholic Church: Anthony Mancini - Archbishop, Brian Dunn - Bishop, Antigonish, several parish priest and other staff members.

Subject: Mental Health Preventable and Curable

Health-Care System - Auditor General Health-Care System Communication
Health-Care System Imploding
Health-Care system Proposal
Ray Ivany Report and Engage Nova Scotia
Personal Service Contracts

(Copies of the above attachments are available upon request)


We do hope that you had time on the weekend to peruse our website and hopefully learned that Mental Health is not only Preventable but also Curable. If you do not believe in our testimony, we would like to share the following story.

Matthew 8:28-34.

And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.

And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?

And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding.

So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.

And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.

And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils.

And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.

The reason we shared the above story with you is to show you that Mental Health is not some kind of disease, but rather it shows that you are not dealing with flesh and blood but principalities, powers and rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). The issue of Mental Health is all spiritual, as is every other disease, and we invite you to review the header on top of every page of our website. The header depicts the Mystery of God and we invite you to read the article 'The Natural Body vs the Spiritual Body' listed on our website.

We should explain that in the above story the word 'devils' was a reference to their natural spirit, the same spirit that controls you and anyone else. Every person is born in sin through the sinful seed of their natural fathers (1 Peter 1:23). For this reason do we preach repentance everywhere, that people may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God (Acts 26:18).

The gospels recorded at least 37 detailed miracles of Jesus Christ as confirmation that He was God in the flesh, e.g. Two blind man cured (Matt. 9:27-31), Deaf and dumb man cured (Mark 7:31-37), Widow's son raised to life at Nain (Luke 7:11-17), Ten lepers cleansed (Luke 17:11-19); Lazarus raised from the dead at Bethany (John 11:38-44); Blind and dumb demoniac cured (Matthew 12:22), Demoniac in synagogue cured (Mark 1:23), The leper cured (Matthew 8:2), Devil cast out of boy (Matthew 17:14), etc., etc.

During your years at CTV you must have learned that at the sound of any news, CTV would send their reporters and cameramen out to record whatever they could. Like vultures, the media will attempt to try to gain every detail of any event or story what happened, but they never provide answers to their question of: Why?

In the eighties we made CTV aware of the Sex Abuse Scandals that would follow the Catholic Church and other denominations, we do not have to tell you any more and you can learn more about the history of these scandals in a number of articles listed on our website and in a number of entries on the Current Events page. But why would Steve Murphy interview members of the hierarchy of the church and ask for their opinion on sex abuse to deceive the people of Nova Scotia with false and misleading information, without allowing our voice to be heard to explain the root-cause of little children being abused by religious leaders and those in positions of trust?

As the President of the Mental Health Association in Nova Scotia, do you not see it as your responsibility to consider any prevention or cure for those suffering from a Mental Health condition? Since you became President you spend most of your time in meetings trying to look for ways how to help mental health patients. As a member now of a so-called Mental Health Panel, it should be made clear that any recommendation or proposed solution will be all in vain, as Mental Health issues will continue to spiral out of control as the next major social disease. Commissions and Panels are an excuse by the Government to show the public that they are working on a so-called solution, e.g. Ray Ivany Report and the Economy. That also was a deception. The Mental Health Panel, headed by Stan Kutcher, professor of psychiatry at Dalhousie University, will not be able to provide any answers. In the future the IWK and Schools will not be able to handle the increased numbers of those afflicted with anxiety and mental disorders, and the Mental Health Association and the Mental Health Panel will be rendered useless in being able to diagnose any form of prevention or cure.

You may have noticed that we hear or read on almost a daily basis about teenage suicides as a direct result of the foundations of this world being out of its course. What will you or Stan Kutcher do about those? Will the media only report future deaths or will somebody be willing to wake up, stand up and report what is leading so many teenagers to take their own lives. The future will confirm that the words 'Mental Health' will become synonymous with a curse and further degenerate the Imploding Health-Care System..

Ask yourself now: where does the Minister of Health and the Mental Health Association go from here? It is best explained as follows: You reap what you sow.

By reviewing the attached file 'Health-Care System Communication' we speak of the Imploding Health-Care System, and if you do not believe that the system has already collapsed, please do ask the people of Cape Breton. Many years ago we defined a system as 'a planned method in a controlled environment with enforced disciplines' and if any breakdown of a system occurs it normally starts in small areas (Cape Breton) and then spreads to larger ones (NS/Canada).

Unfortunately, eventually we will all read about the ineffective findings of the Mental Health Panel in The Chronicle Herald (the Liberal Newsletter) or hear the details in your upcoming interview with your friends at CTV. Again, you reap what you sow, as has been evident since The Chronicle Herald has blocked our email addresses for the last 3.5 years in order to silence our voice.

Seek, and ye shall find (Matthew 7:7).

In His Service.

Andy & Dianne van den Berg -


On September 26, 2016, Leo Glavine, the Minister of Health, reported on the local CTV Evening News that the Mental Health Unit at the IWK (Hospital for Sick Children) was over-capacity and would only handle Emergency Type of Situations.

The following was our response to Starr Dobson, President & CEO for the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia.

From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 8:40 AM
To: Starr Dobson
Cc: Same as above

Subject: Mental Health Preventable and Curable

Attachments: Same as above


Further to our communication back in June we read the following last evening.

“Research is starting to show, what many of us already noticed: a link between social media and mental health.”

For a better understanding of the link we invite you to review the entry The Destructive Forces of Social Media listed on the Current Events page of our website

In case you have already forgotten, please review the article Will there be a Cure for Mental Health? listed on the website.

A few days ago Leo Glavine, the Minister of Health, confirmed on the CTV Evening News that the Mental Health Unit at the IWK was over-capacity, only to have Steve Murphy announce the following night that all is well with the Mental-Health Unit at the IWK. This all sounded like a prank gone bad and it is not even Halloween yet.

We had a lady for dinner on the weekend, whose son at the age of 24 attempted suicide this past summer. We also know a teenage girl, who since the age of 14 has attempted five suicides. In both cases there is a good side to the story, something you do not want to hear about.

Our grandchildren know numerous children at their schools who have attempted suicide and many more who experience some kind of an emotional disorder or mental health issue. Psychiatrists and Psychologists think that they can cure those children by prescribing medications and some of them even provide them with sleeping pills, which in some cases have even been used to OD (overdose). We know of a situation where the parents had to hide the sleeping pills from their child. Most families we know have children with emotional disorders or some kind of mental health issue. Talk to the teachers in school and they will confirm this. They will also confirm that the use of drugs and sex is rampant and out of control.

I do not have to tell you that the Minister of Health and his staff, the Health Authority, the IWK, the Mental Health Foundation and the Media are all on a path of self-destruction and that Mental Health is becoming the greatest social disease of this Country. Since we contacted you earlier in June, you have had plenty of opportunity to enter into dialogue to discuss this ever growing crisis.

The situation is at epidemic proportions, and while you have an opportunity to assist the people of Nova Scotia, you are more concerned about your position with the Mental Health Foundation and your excessive remuneration, that has not been able to produce one solution to assist people with mental health issues. In fact the Politicians, Health Officials, the Mental Health Foundation and the Media are directly responsible for the current state of Mental Health and a Society out of control.

Can you imagine using your connection with your friends at Bell Media to arrange for an interview about corresponding with your sister by mail, instead of emailing her, and not mention a word how you can help people with their emotional disorders and mental health issues.

To enter into dialogue begins with asking questions.

In His Service.

Andy & Dianne van den Berg –


On October 1, 2016, The Chronicle Herald (our local paper) published an article written by Starr Dobson, President and CEO of The Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia, entitled 'Mental Health First Aid'.

As we have learned in the past, writers of articles and reporters for the Media, often express their frustrations and grievances in the articles they write or the things they report.

Colin Campbell was the Bishop of Antigonish and had a weekly column (One View) in the Chronicle Herald. Often we would correct him on his views and man-made doctrines, including the doctrine of Celibacy (the state of abstaining from marriage or sexual relations), which he claimed in one of his columns to be a true Gift of God, but in truth became a curse for every man that became a priest. It is the same for women, who decided to become a nun. While they thought they devoted their lives to a Godly deity, in truth they devoted their lives to an image of a false god and a false Christ (Matthew 24:24; 2 Cor. 11:13-15). We thank God daily for delivering me from the bonds and the deceptions of the Seminary I attended at a young age. We did not know till 24 years later that God had a more important plan and journey in store for us.

In 1991 Colin Campbell even used his column to personally attack the work of our ministry and headlined his column that weekend: Spiritual Arrogance Blinds One to God and referred to us as vengeful, hateful and demanding task-makers. The Chronicle Herald would not allow us to respond to his false allegations. He died in 2012, and the Catholic Diocese of Antigonish died a slow death with him, as a result of the sexual abuse scandals, that involved young children and that ravaged the church. So much for the vow of Celibacy. You can read more about this in the article 'Sexual Abuse in the Churches' listed on our this website. We also invite you to read other related articles.

Similarly, we must have disturbed Starr Dobson's conscience and offended her with our previous communication, as she used her article to communicate issues that had nothing to do with the issue of Mental Health or First Aid. It only led to more condemnation of her self-righteousness and her work as the President and CEO for the Mental Health Foundation. Please find below copies of our two emails in response to her article. Our first email explains her views on judging others, while the second explains her inability to listen, to hear and understand our message.

Also, the Mental Health Foundation must be getting more desperate for money, money and more money, to be able to finance the ineffective programs with the growing Mental Health crisis. While visiting one of our local Shopping Centres today, the Mental Health Foundation had numerous volunteers, carrying signs and bottles, soliciting for money, which will only lead to more Mental Health problems, and a slow death of the Mental Health Foundation, similar to the Catholic Diocese of Antigonish and the Imploding Health-Care System. Any organization, that uses money and falsehood, and every lie under the sun as its foundation, will eventually crumble.

We would have thought that, as the leader of the Mental Health Foundation, you would have at least assisted all of the unpaid volunteers with the collection of money to help pay for your remuneration and that of your staff.

For your information, we do not charge for our services and it comes with a full guarantee and a life-time warranty for anyone with an emotional disorder or a mental health issue. Are you ready for this? It is a free gift from God. Strange that the Media refuses to publish or report our message. It is no wonder they are in decline.   

From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Saturday, October 1, 2016 9:22 AM
To: Starr Dobson

  • Mental Health Foundation: Members of the Staff.
  • Dalhousie University: Stan Kutcher, Professor in the Dept. of Psychiatry and University of Dalhousie University Psychiatrist at the IWK Health Centre.
  • Provincial Department of Health: Minister Leo Glavine and Deputy Minister Peter Vaughn.
  • IWK (Hospital for Sick Children): Tracy Kitch, President & CEO.
  • Nova Scotia Health Authority: Janet Knox, President & CEO.
  • Healthwize Wellness Centre, Wendell Wamboldt, Owner.
  • CTV/Bell Media: President, Vice President and Member of the Staff.
Subject: Mental Health First Aid
Attachment: Health-Care System Communication (available upon request)


Glad to see that you are adding First Aid and Mental Health under the same banner. You will be needing it.

Also, Christ and the believers came into this world for judgment (John 16:11; Matthew 12:18,36;Acts 10:42; 26:18; Romans 2:3,5,16; 1 Cor. 4:5; Hebrews 6:2; Rev. 1:7).

But he that is spiritual judgeth (discerneth) all things (1 Cor. 2:15).

In His Service,

Andy & Dianne van den Berg –


From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Saturday, October 1, 2016 12:07 PM
To: Starr Dobson

  • Mental Health Foundation: Members of the Staff.
  • Dalhousie University: Stan Kutcher, Professor in the Dept. of Psychiatry and University of Dalhousie University Psychiatrist at the IWK Health Centre.
  • Provincial Department of Health: Minister Leo Glavine and Deputy Minister Peter W. Vaughan.
  • Healthwize Wellness Centre, Wendell Wamboldt, Owner.
  • CTV/Bell Media: President, Vice President and Member of the Staff.
  • St. John Ambulance. Steven Gaetz, CEO.

Subject: Your inability to Listen, Hear and Understand
Attachment: Health-Care System Communication (available upon request)


Considering our latest communication on Mental Health and since we did not receive a response, it is our view that you definitely need to practice and hone your 'Listening' skills, if you wish to gain a better understanding of the Imploding Mental Health-Care System.

In your article ‘Mental Health First Aid’ you used great swelling words that only put more condemnation on yourself (John 3:19).

The following is an excerpt from your article.

“But non-judgmental listening means adopting a set of attitudes and listening skills (both verbal and non-verbal) that allows you to truly hear and understand what is being said.”

The word judgment we have already explained in our earlier email and the following is the reason why you are not able to hear and understand our message.

John 8:43-45; 7:17.

Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

The devil is a reference to your natural spirit. The opposite is the ‘Holy Ghost’, which is a reference to the Spirit of God.

1 John 4:6.

We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

The first step is for you to change your attitude, the next step is to listen and then turn to God and open your ears, so that you may come to hear and understand our message.

For this reason our message remains the same: Ye must repent and turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God (Acts 26:18).

Without the Baptism of Repentance (Matthew 3:8; Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3) you will remain spiritually blind and separated from God and the Word of God will forever remain a mystery to you, which was kept secret since the world began (Romans 16:25). You will also continue to be blinded about the root-cause of Mental Health and every other disease.

As always, we welcome your questions.

In His Service.

Andy & Dianne van den Berg –

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