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Luke 3:4-6.

The Gospel we preach is the same Gospel as it was preached by Christ and the Apostles and our mission is to build up the House of God (the Body of Christ) and overthrow the House of Satan (Matthew 12:25,26; Acts 26:18). As the successors of the Apostles, we are the sure and authentic amanuensis (relating to) of the Holy Spirit; and therefore our writings are to be regarded as the oracles of God (Psalm 28:2; Romans 3:2).

As John the Baptist was called to prepare the way of the Lord Jesus Christ (Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 4:5; Luke 1:17) and to preach the Baptism of Repentance (Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3), so have we been called to prepare the people of this world for the return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the beginning of the one thousand year reign of His Kingdom (Luke 14:15; 1 Thess. 4:16; Rev. 19:9; 20:2,3).